Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Great Shift

There are over 200,000,000 blogs out there in cyberspace. Just what exactly will set this one apart?
It is not news that a shift in media has begun. Today in class we watched a video about the influences of social media outlets. The video introduces the watcher to tons of hard hitting facts. One of these facts just happened to be that 24 of the 25 largest newspapers are experiencing record declines in circulation.
What does all this mean to a college student who happens to be majoring in journalism and has recently been put in charge of her own college newspaper?
In short, this blog will allow you to follow the struggles I face learning how to run a newspaper, and my attempt to find my place in the fading world of in-print media.
We are putting our paper online this year, in hopes of staying slightly ahead of the curve on the roller-coaster ride into the new age of media outlets. I'm not a web designer. By any means. But I am largely a product of my generation, and I know the internet.
So with the help of some great advisors, and super motivated editors, I hope to lead you in the search to find what comes next for world of news. Keep checking back for daily struggles.

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