Thursday, September 10, 2009

My New Personal Deadlines

In hopes that if I write them will force me to stick to them.

  1. I'm asking for first drafts of stories by tomorrow.
  2. I'm editing them over the weekend.
  3. I'm asking for final drafts of everything by Monday.
  4. Website ready for viewing by Tuesday (this includes a mysterious advertising campaign using strategically placed fliers).
  5. Final layout for our first issue will be sent to the printer by Thursday.
  6. First issue out September 21st.
My biggest worry is a lack of execution. If everyone does everything they say they'll do when they say they'll do it then this transition should go fairly smooth. Maybe I'm just getting the editor's version of cold feet. I have faith in my staff. The faith I have in myself is another story entirely...and better saved for another day.

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